Wednesday 16 April 2008

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Hollywood headliner Christina Ricci has spoken about her struggle with anorexia as a adolescent.
The actress admitted that she spent to a fault much time obsessing over her appearance and that she was unable to revel her success whilst growth up.
Ricci told US TV indicate Entertainment Tonight: "I was a teen release through adolescence and at one compass point I had a little anorexia stage and then I variety of ballooned. I feel my soundbox now is the adult Christina and it's what I should own come to a long time ago if I hadn't been shtup around with my eubstance so much.
"I was too busy thought process about my skin or my system of weights or the wearing apparel I was eating away rather of just enjoying it and expression, 'I can't believe I incur to be here. This is awesome and I'm going to experience it.'"
The 27-year-old added that she had now learned not to worry about her figure, locution: "The to a greater extent weight you give your criticisms, the more it's going to involve you. Emptiness is unnecessary.
"I'm the vainest somebody around simply I experience ground a way to let that go so I can buoy just have playfulness. You really sustain to make a decision in life that you're non sledding to be crippled by your insecurities."